The AICC: Arkansas Inter-Agency Coordinating Council
Thank you for visiting the Web site of the Arkansas Interagency Coordinating Council (AICC). The AICC is a federally and state mandated independent board that functions under the Governor’s Office of Community Programs in an advisory capacity to First Connections, Arkansas’s Early Intervention System.
Federal legislation for infants and toddlers with special needs and their families, Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), calls for a comprehensive system of coordinated early intervention services. In Arkansas, this system is called First Connections -- an interagency system administered by the Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities.
We Believe
Intervention by coordinated health, social, and educational services during the first three years of life increases developmental and educational gains for children, builds family capacity, and reduces the costs of special care later in life. Families with young children with special needs frequently require a range of services and supports which cannot be provided entirely by a single agency.
Click here to view the AICC bylaws.
Our Vision & Mission
Vision: The AICC strengthens and supports Arkansas families of children ages birth to five with special needs by advising and assisting the Division of Developmental Disabilities Services – Children’s Services in the evaluation and continuous improvement of the First Connections program.
Mission: To work in collaboration with the Division of Developmental Disabilities Services – Children’s Services in an advisory capacity to design and oversee the implementation of a family-centered, community-based, comprehensive, interagency service delivery system for infants and toddlers (birth through two) who are eligible for Part C services and their families. The AICC advises and assists in the monitoring and evaluation of this system to ensure that families are supported and the potential of each child is maximized, that services are of high quality, efficient, timely, and maintain flexibility and manageability.
Who We Are
Membership: The AICC is comprised of stakeholders in Arkansas’ early intervention system. The Governor appoints members of the Arkansas Interagency Coordinating Council (AICC) to represent designated agencies and stakeholders. Membership includes parents of infants or toddlers with disabilities, service providers, state agency administrators, personnel preparation staff, and a state legislator.
View the application for a gubernatorial appointment to a board or commission.
Click here to view the current membership list.
We Serve
Purpose: AICC's purpose is to assist First Connections (DDS-Children’s Services) and other participating agencies in implementing a collaborative and comprehensive statewide system of early intervention services for infants and toddlers who have disabilities and their families. AICC offers advice and assistance on policy and coordination issues in these areas:
Advisory Role:
Identifying sources of fiscal and other support for services for the early intervention programs.
Assigning financial responsibilities to the appropriate agency.
Promoting interagency agreements.
Providing appropriate services for children birth through age 2.
Assistance Role:
Seeking information from service providers, service coordinators, parents, and others about any federal, state, or local policies that impede timely service delivery.
Taking steps to ensure that any policy problems are resolved.
Achieving the full participation, coordination, and cooperation of all appropriate public agencies in the state.
Resolving disputes, to the extent appropriate.
Working with Local Interagency Coordinating Councils (LICCs) to coordinate and enhance existing early intervention services and assisting communities to meet the needs of infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
Preparing applications for federal grants under IDEA, Part C.
Preparing budgets as necessary to carry out AICC's functions.
Providing advice and assistance regarding the transition of toddlers with disabilities into services provided by agencies serving 3-5 children with special needs.
Preparing reports to the Governor and federal officials as required by federal and state laws.
We Offer
An opportunity for interested parties to participate, in person, in the work of the AICC so that families, partners, grantees, and concerned citizens can comment on Arkansas’ system of early intervention. All meetings are open to the public. Special accommodations, including interpreter and translator services, should be requested at least two weeks prior to a scheduled meeting. For meeting information or to request special accommodations, contact the Division of Developmental Disabilities Services – Children’s Services at 501-682-8670.
See information about the AICC, the program and our role in the program, click here.
Upcoming Meetings
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Meetings are currently virtual.
Location: Department of Human Services Office
700 Main Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203
1st floor Conference Room B.
See our guest protocol for these meetings here.