First Connections Providers
FC Providers are service providers committed to coordinating with families on monitoring and enhancing a child's development. Specializing in the field of early development, these professionals are active participants in meeting the needs of infants and toddlers who have a developmental delay or disability while offering supportive services to the family, like parent education/training to help parents understand their child’s developmental abilities in order to promote their child’s development.

Process to Request Additional Funding for First Connections Providers
Key Principles
Parents and family members are a child’s first teachers and with necessary support and resources, all families can enhance their child’s learning and development.
Infants and toddlers learn best in their natural environment through everyday experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts with typically developing peers.
All children, no matter what their physical, cognitive, or emotional level of development, need meaningful opportunities to develop skills, establish a sense of self, and lay a foundation for life-long learning.
All children learning together fosters the potential of every child; children with disabilities have the right to play and learn alongside children without disabilities.
The family and their IFSP team collaboratively plans and writes strategies/activities, services, and supports to enhance their child’s participation and learning in natural environments and everyday activities, using the child’s and family’s strengths to overcome challenges and to accomplish goals that reflect family priorities for their child’s development.
Active family/caregiver participation in the early intervention process is critical to a child’s development with support and training from qualified early intervention service providers.
Early intervention is designed to meet the needs of infants and toddlers who have a developmental delay or disability while offering supportive services to the family, like parent education/training to help parents understand their child’s developmental abilities in order to promote their child’s development.
Explore Our Resources
Resources for Service Providers:
Required Documentation/Forms:
The FC Tele-Intervention Session Outcome form is required documentation for any IFSP service provided via teletherapy/tele-intervention (regardless of pay source). Parent or caregiver who participated in the virtual home visit must complete checklist and sign/date form. Completed form is uploaded in case notes of child record in CDS.
Support Resources:
Resources Within Reason:
Resources for Service Coordinators:
Required Documentation/Forms for Service Coordination Services:
The FC Remote Services Consent Form is required documentation of parent consent for any IFSP service provided via teletherapy/tele-intervention (regardless of pay source). The family’s service coordinator work with the family to ensure family consent for remote services has been granted prior to service delivery and documentation is uploaded in the child’s electronic record.
Support Resources:
Virtual Meeting Resources:
How to Become a Service Provider
Information regarding the application for approval for both individuals and agencies to provide early intervention services can be obtained by contacting the local Early Intervention Monitoring Specialist in your area and requesting the DDS Certification Standards for First Connections Services.
Notice of Open Enrollment 2022
First Connections is opening provider enrollment. There is a .pdf form that can be printed off, filled in, and pages 6-8 (the application pages) returned with accompanying documentation. An electronic, fillable form, is also available; this form can be typed into and submitted by email. Application may be emailed to:
First Connections Provider Applicants will complete Orientation Training as part of the LOE or OE application on the First Connections Professional Growth System (FC PATHS).
To get started in FC PATHS:
Need assistance? FC PATHS Desk guide