First Connections Professional Grown System (FC PATHS). Provider TA/Training
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Child Outcomes
Online Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process Modules:
These online learning modules from ECTA Center and DaSy provide key information about the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) process and the practices that contribute to consistent and meaningful COS decision-making. Over the course of multiple sessions, participants will learn about:
Why child outcomes data are collected;
The key features of the COS process;
The essential knowledge needed to complete the COS process;
How the three child outcomes are measured through the process;
How to identify accurate COS ratings using a team-based process;
The importance of comparing children’s current functional performance to age-expected functioning;
When and how to measure progress in the three child outcome areas;
How to document ratings and evidence to support those ratings in COS documentation.
The following sessions are available:
Session 1:
So What's This All About?
Session 3:
Essential Knowledge for Completing the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process
Session 2:
Overview of the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process
Session 4:
The 7-Point Scale
Session 5:
Determining a Rating
Session 6:
Good Teaming, Good Decisions